pondělí 26. června 2017

Recenze/review - INCINERATOR - Stench of Distress (2017)

INCINERATOR - Stench of Distress
CD 2017, Raw Skull Recordz

Měl jsem za úkol odstranit všechny kdysi živé tkáně od kostí. Chopil jsem se svého úkolu s vervou sobě vlastní. Zaujat Bohu protivnou prací jsem rozjímal nad smrtí, životem a hlavně hranicí, kterou je nutné překročit, aby se člověk mohl poklonit stínům. Odřízl jsem kousek shnilého masa, seškrábal z očních důlků vzpomínky a nasával s obrovskou nadějí pachuť a zápach rozkládajících se těl. Byl jsem ve svém živlu, uprostřed podzemí a poslouchal jsem novou desku holandských INCINERATOR.

Klaníme se s kapelou stejným death metalových bohům, spolu obdivujeme SLAUGHTER, DISMEMBER, CARNAGE, CELTIC FROST, ASPHYX, POSSESSED, SLAYER. Holanďané hudbou a já slovy. Jsme plně oddáni základním myšlenkám smrti a vychutnáváme si všechnu tu prašivinu starých časů. Převaluji se na zvukových vlnách, jako mrtvola ve shnilé rakvi. Ano, takhle se má hrát death metal!

"Stench of Distress" je albem, které má v sobě velký kus temnoty, je odpovědí na všechnu nenávist světa. Z nahrávky doslova čiší oddanost záhrobí, poctivost, šílenství. Pojďme, půjdeme spolu tančit na hrobech padlých mnichů! Chce se mi řvát do tmy. Kombinace chřestivého death metalu, natlakovaného thrashe a hnisu musí dělat dobře snad každému, kdo jen někdy alespoň pootevřel dveře na starý hřbitov. Už jste někdy chrchlali černou krev? Už vás pálily kosti chladem? Už jste někdy ochutnali zkažené vnitřnosti nemrtvých? Pokud ne, tak neváhejte a poslouchejte -  INCINERATOR jsou zde, aby zapálili tento svět plný temnoty. Přehrávám desku stále dokola a nemůžu se zbavit dojmu, že už na mě někde čeká otevřený hrob. Smrtící kov par excellence!


První dlouhohrající album INCINERATOR se opravdu povedlo. Kombinace studených melodií, krutého zpěvu a neskutečné energie na mě opět funguje. Ze záhrobí povstali všichni nemrtví a svět je doslova zahalen krví. Nahrávka působí jako rozkládající se mršina. Old schoolové motivy, smrt v očích a nekonečné utrpení. Tohle všechno při poslechu zažijete. Budete odcházet od svých hi-fi věží rozsekáni na malé kousky, vaše mysl bude čistá a krev nakažená. CD s klidem mohu doporučit všem poctivým fanouškům reálného death metalu, kteří se rádi prohrabují starými kostmi. Exhumujte staré mrtvoly, vypusťte zombie na tento svět! Přijdu si jako v nějakém hodně krutém hororu. Morbidita, špína, hnus a neskutečný tlak. To všechno na "Stench of Distress" naleznete. Tento masakr jen tak někdo nepřežije. Old school death metal, u kterého praskají víka od rakví! Vynikající záležitost!

Asphyx says:

The first full-length album INCINERATOR came really off. The combination of cold melodies, harsh vocals and incredible energy works again. The dead and undead rose from the beyond and the world is wrapped in blood. The recording acts like a decomposing carcass. Old school motifs, death in the eyes and endless suffering. All this you'll experience during listening. You'll leave from your hi-fis cut into small pieces, your mind will be clear and blood infected. I can recommend this cd to all honest real death metal fans who likes rummaging in old bones. Exhume old corpses, let zombies out into this world! I'm coming like in very brutal horror. Morbidity, dirt, filth and surreal pressure. This all you'll find on "Stench of Distress". This massacre can survive only someone. When you are listening this old school death metal, the lids from the coffins are cracking! Excellent thing!

1. At the Gates
2. Nerveless
3. Slaughter
4. Feed the Soul
5. Arisen in Blood
6. Repentance
7. Traumatic
8. The Stench of Distress
9. Swiersettiche Riten

Jackhammer - Guitars, Drums
The Necromancer - Bass 
Bonesaw - Vocals

Few questions – interview with death metal band from Netherlands - INCINERATOR.

Few questions – interview with death metal band from  Netherlands - INCINERATOR.
Answered Dietrik (bonesaw).
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?
Incinerator was founded 3 years ago. just to make raw in your face oldstyle thrash/ deathmetal!
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
Just like our 7" we did all the recordings by our selves. mixing and mastering was done by studio doubleimpact.
How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
For now there are 500 cd's released. en there are plans to release a vinyl version in the future.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with ?
All the lyrics are done by me (bonesaw). there about fictional horror. And the horror from the real life.
Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?
I'v drawn the logo by myself. cover was created by raul fuentes (mortuus). and i must say he did an awesome job.
Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

The cd is released by Rawskullrecords. and they are doing an awesome job.
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?
Slayer is offcourse one of our big faverits and a big inspiration for us. and for me personal a lot of deathmetal stuff from the late 80's early 90's .
How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?
We don't play live.
What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
Creating a second album. as sick and brutal as possible.
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
Thanx for the interview.

Thanx for the support! Stay sick!

Recenze/review - APOPHANOUS - Obliteration Has Come (2016)

APOPHANOUS - Obliteration Has Come
EP 2016, Sangue Frio Produções

Na periferii našeho města zase prší kyselý déšť. Musím vyrazit ven a proplést se mezi šedivým panelem. Vše na mě působí beznadějně, neosobně. Stovky lidí kolem a přesto jsem tu sám. Našlapuji opatrně a přidávám hlasitost na přehrávači. Po tváři mi stékají kapky vody a v kostech chladí mráz. Je k večeru a já vím, že s touhle kapelou se vrátím domů hodně pozdě.

Brazilský thrashový útok v podobě skupiny APOPHANOUS přišel nečekaně. Byl pro mě jako úder palicí na dolní část čelisti. Najednou tu stojím, krvavý a bezprizorní a těším se na další skladbu. Do uší mi zní neutěšená, chladivá, temná hudba plná pnutí. Brazilci se nebojí lehce experimentovat, hrát si s melodiemi jako kočka s myší. Motivy postupně gradují, doslova zapáchají nadšením a já si připadám, že mě město zase pozřelo do svých spárů.

"Obliteration Has Come" v některých momentech lehce evokuje tvorbu NEVERMORE, VOIVOD, ale i třeba PANTERY. Ze skladeb doslova čiší radost z hraní jak takového. Jakoby kapelu někdo polil energetickým drinkem a zapálil černým ohněm. EP se poslouchá více méně samo, zanechává v člověku vzpomínky a vybroušené symboly v mozku. Pevně doufám, že APOPHANOUS vydají brzy dlouhohrající album, protože bych se rád znovu vydal na další procházku mlhavým deštivým městem. Progresivní thrash metal, ze kterého je cítit velká temná síla! Skvěle!


Brazilská, progresivní thrash metalová kapela APOPHANOUS, je skupinou, ze které doslova tryská talent na všechny strany. Jejich album "Obliteration Has Come" je po okraj narvaný nápady, energií a tlakem. Pokud rádi u hudby přemýšlíte a ochutnáváte z pestré palety bohatého talíře extrémního metalu, bude vám určitě chutnat. Fascinuje mě lehkost a samozřejmost, s jakou je EP nahrané. Poslech je srovnatelný s pohledem do kaleidoskopu. Pestré riffy, zajímavé bicí a všemu nasazuje korunu vokál, vytažený až odněkud ze samého nitra. Songy působí velmi vyrovnaně, chutně, naléhavě a přesto jsou až uklidňující. Album se tak pro mě stává jakousi meditací. Progresivní thrash metal, který připomíná průlet vesmírem. Vynikající záležitost. Noblesníl! Velmi doporučuji!

Asphyx says:

Talent gushing right and left, this is the Brazil, progressive thrash metal band APOPHANOUS. Their album "Obliteration Has Come" is to the brim full of ideas, energy and pressure. If you like thinking by listening and tasting from a variet range of rich menu of extreme metal, you will definitely like it. I am fascinated by the lightness and obviousness the EP is recorded. Listening is comparable with the view into a kaleidoscope. Colourful riffs, interesting drums and vocals, pulled up from somewhere inside. Both songs are tasty, urgently, however, relaxing. The single is for me a kind of meditation. Progressive thrash metal, resembling the flight through the universe. Excellent stuff! I  recommend very much!

1. Origins of Violence
2. Bright Evil Eyes 
3. Like an Angel 
4. Death Drive


Few questions – interview with progressive thrash metal band from Brazil - APOPHANOUS

Few questions – interview with progressive thrash metal band from Brazil - APOPHANOUS.
Answered Vitor.
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?
Vitor: Sure! We are Apophanous, a progressive Thrash Metal band from São Paulo – Brasil formed by Alvaro Albuq (Bass), Tiago Lima (Lead Guitars), Fabio Trevisan (Drums) and me (Vitor – Lead Vocals). We have been playing together since 2015. 
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
Vitor: Out last recording was done at IMF (Instituto Musical Falaschi) and Tito Falaschi was the one responsible for the capturing and mastering processes. The production of the songs was done by the band and we have to say we are very proud of the results. For some guys at the band it was their first studio experience. It was very challenging but we learned a lot from it all!
How many copies  were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
Vitor: Obliteration Has Come EP was released for digital streaming on all available platforms (spotify, deezer, groove, apple music, and many more). Physical copies will arrive this year soon.
We have also released a lyrics video of Death Drive song on youtube.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with ? 
Vitor: I (Vitor) usually write the lyrics and the other members collab with me in doing so. The lyrical themes are based on psychological disorders and many other aspects of the dark side of humanity. You can find some references to horror movies and books too.
Death Drive is based on a Freud’s theory about why humans are drawn to repeat painful or traumatic events, for instance.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 
Vitor: All the artwork for the band was created by Bruno Guia from Tesgui Publicidade and Tesgui Films. He did a fantastic job including the Death Drive Lyrics Video.
We have a fanpage on facebook and an Instagram profile. Both are managed by the band itself.
Actually Social Media is our main promotion mechanism and allows us to bring our fans closer to our activities and also connects us with managers, clubs and other kinds of media in a easier way. Heavy metal isn’t a popular music genre in Brasil so the traditional media communication is very hard and almost impossible in many ways. Luckily, the Internet has come to break this barriers for bands and fans.
Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care of you?
Vitor: The digital release came via Sepulchral Silence Records from the UK and there‘s a good relationship between us. Recently we’ve achieved the mark of 1500 streams of the EP and we still have to drink a lot to celebrate that (cheers! :)
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration from?
Vitor: Our main inspirations are Nevermore (We miss you guys!!!), Machine Head, Lamb of God, Arch Enemy and Pantera (We miss you Dimegod!) but you can find other elements on our music that varies from Goth Rock to Black Metal. There are some tribal and brazillian elements (such as baião) blended in the compositions too.
Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?
Vitor: We don’t have physical releases yet so we haven’t sent our record so far but we’re planning to do it this year soon.
How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 
Vitor: From EP’s release (2016) to now we’ve played 6 times, and one of these at a festival on the coast of our city. This festival was our first live performance and I can still remember the feeling!
Our last performance was the best so far! It was on a club and we organized the gig with some bands from the city such as Chaos Inc, Crucifixion BR and Stonevil the crowd was crazy and moshed as hell too!
What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
Vitor: By now we are working on new songs for the upcoming album and gathering resources for the recording process and stuff. We are also looking for gigs and promotional actions for the current release. We want to play outside Brasil very soon!
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
Get in touch with us on and \,,/
Thanx for the interview.
Vitor: Thanks a lot for the opportunity and be advised: Obliteration has come! Listen to us on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, Wherever you want.

neděle 25. června 2017


author of photos – Michal Radoš
- for original size click on photos
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Photos - MARTYRIUM - METALGATE CZECH DEATH FEST 2017 - 17. 6. 2017

author of photos – Michal Radoš
- for original size click on photos
- pro zvětšení klikněte na fotky