úterý 18. července 2017

Interview - ENTRAILS - Pure Swedish death metal!

Interview with old school death metal legend from Sweden - ENTRAILS.

Translated by Markéta, thank you!

Answered Jimmy.

Recenze/review - ENTRAILS - Obliteration (2015)
Recenze/review - ENTRAILS – Resurrected from the Grave (Demo Collection) (2014)

Ave ENTRAILS! I have been listening to your new album “World Inferno” for a while now and I still discover some new parts of darkness. I have to admit that I expected a good craft from you, but I did not expect that you will totally kill me. This album is great. How are fans´ reactions and reviews? 

Thanks man.. the feedback is good actually.. a bit better than previous albums to be honest.. Ive been reading several great reviews and only a few crappy ones but the majority likes it and thats what matters.. so even if there is a poor guy writing a review who actually worship justin bieber or something its obvious they doesnt like our stuff.. impossible to please 100% of every one out there. 

This album has a classic Swedish sound. It kicks so much! But I have to compare it to your first demo records where the sound was dirtier. Did you change the composing process? The time and also technology are different then in 90s. 

Well the demos from 2009 was mixed by myself and at that time i had no clue how to do actually and didnt afford any better mix. at that time i wasnt into having a better sound. i was happy to finally get things going with my songs.. the stuff from the 90´s we did havent been released yet.. 

How ENTRAILS compose new songs? How is the whole process going when you create a new material? Who is the author of your music? 

I´ts I who does the music and then i let others (singer) to write lyrics. When am in the mood i sit in my studio creationg tons of riffs and then after a while when i have something like an idea of what´s being recorded i make a demo with some easy programmed drums in my pc just to get the feeling and the rythm right. and when demo is done its being intoduced to the rest for feedback and after that rehearsals and then recording. 

Your covers were always great. Is it important for you how the album looks like? Who is the author of cover for your “World Inferno” album? 

I came up with the idea and then Daniel Devilish did the painting. He have done every album cover after our first one (Tales from the morgue) though we have done a re-issue of that one so he did a new cover for that also based on the old one. 

Who is the author of your lyrics and where do you find inspiration for them? 

On the new album its our new singer who wrote the lyrics. and i let him do a theme to the albums and he found a sick way to do that and made it well in a surrealistic style. 

There are only 2 members from the original band left and that is you Jimmy. When I look at Encyclopedia Metallum there is a lot of people who played in ENTRAILS. Why is it like that? 

The first setting was in the 90´s and all was like 17-20 years old.. and they got tired and also moved to other places. the setting in 2010 was put together thru a friend 

And he was the first one who quit the band of some private reasons and new guy was into the band. then its the last change from 2016 when i needed to have more active members to do more shows and 2 guys left as they had so many other projects.. 

ENTRAILS was at the beginning of the phenomenon called Swedish death metal. I would like you to tell us a little bit about the beginnings. In 90s in the Czech Republic, there was the beginning of democracy and in your country, you have already created something new. How were 90s in Sweden? Do you remember how did you created your band? Me and also the fans would like to know how was it at the beginning. 

I barely dont remember anything beside that I and my best friend who played some drums started to make a band that we wanted to have, and we learned a friend who wanted to be in the band to play bass and he knew a guy who played guitars extremly well and he joined the band after a while. and at that time we had like 7-10 songs to rehearse and to record a demo that never was made properly. we had permission to use a studio but we didnt have so much help and the sound become not good at all so all tries we did ended up as a raw mix for own use. and today those tapes are in bad shape and sounds even worse. i´ve tried to save some by having them into the digital world but there are a lot to do with them until they can be official. (if they ever become that) 

I think that every single fan of ENTRAILS has the first two demo records from 2009. Have you ever thought about releasing them again? 

Metal Blade released those demos a few years ago, both on vinyl and cd.. 

You stopped playing between 1998 and 2008. Why was that? What was the reason for it? 

Got tired of the music when i couldnt find any who wanted to play with me so i sold everything and drove rally instead. an expensive hobby but extremly fun. 

The history of ENTRAILS started in 90s but at that time you did not released anything. Why? You did not have any label? 

As i mentioned above we tried to do demos but the sound killed those dreams.. and label wasnt our main goal to get at that time.. back then it was more a help from community and their work with young people and their passion for music and so on. but we lived outside that area and couldnt get that kind of help. we had to pay it all ourselves if we wanted to have something good and money wasn´t the thing we had plenty of. 

You play a classic typical Swedish death metal. You have never played anything else, you are “orthodox”. Personally, that is one of the reasons why I like your music. But have you ever thought about playing something different? To spice the music of ENTRAILS a little bit? 

I have been playing other music aswell but in a small scale and it was before i got into Death metal we did some thrash metal and some cover playing. but i have never been in another band as a solid member. I dont believe that is the right thing to do when playing music. to me its only one band that counts. Being in other active bands at the same time just make things difficult and some have to be put a side for annoying reasons. and shows will collide and so on. 

What are ENTRAILS´s plans for the next few months? Do you want to support your new album by a tour and do you want to go to the Czech Republic? 

Our plans is to get shows but our new booker havent solved this quite yet but working on it i hope. many things needs to be fullfilled to make it doable and today promoters doesnt really open their wallets to have foreign bands coming to play. we do hope we can be on Czech ground any time soon.. 

Are there any albums which have caught your attention recently? 

Nah.. I prefer the older ones from the 90´s and also 80´s 

Do you know and listen any Czech bands? 

The only band i can come up with now that i know is from Czech is Brutally Deceased and they does it good.. am sure there are more i listen to but i never remember where they´re from haha 

Thank you so much for the interview and I wish you a lot of sold out albums, hundreds of crazy fans and tons of great ideas. 

Thanks a lot. 

Recenze/review - PIG'S BLOOD - Pig's Blood (2017)

PIG'S BLOOD - Pig's Blood
CD 2017, Godz Ov War Productions

Povolali nás do zbraně, abych bojovali proti samotnému nebi. Už se na ten chaos, který všichni svatí dopustili, nedalo koukat. Vzali jsme do rukou rozžhavený kov, louče s ohněm a spálili jsme vše na popel. Konečně svět zahalila temnota.

Američtí PIG'S BLOOD přistupují ke své nečisté práci s neuvěřitelnou bestialitou. Na své nové, stejnojmenné desce/prvotině kombinují v prašivém poměru death a black metal. Navíc přidávají nahrubo nasekané ostatky nevěřících a asi tak tunu nenávisti. Rouháme se spolu proti všem bohům, strháváme všechny ty směšně modly. Zbude po nás jen zničená země a šílenství.

"Pig's Blood" je albem, které je hodně těžko stravitelné, chvílemi lehce monotónní a zvukově nečisté, jako duše masových vrahů. Pohybujeme se v undergroundu, kde neplatí žádná pravidla. Sází se spíše na uvěřitelnost, dravost, krutost, zběsilost. Proti provedení, zvuku, ani nápadům nemám žádných námitek. Jen si říkám, že obyčejný strávník asi spláče nad výdělkem. Tohle album je totiž pro otrlé, pro maniaky, kteří se rádi přehrabují ve zbytcích, co zůstaly po porcování mrtvých těl. Z nahrávky doslova sálá okultní atmosféra. Podobná hudba se musí poslouchat s černou hnilobou v srdci. Jakoby nás kapela vybízela, abychom zapálili obrácené kříže a konečně povolali z podzemí veškeré zlo. Vždyť přetvářky už bylo dost. Black death metalové album, u kterého vám uhnijí ruce strachem.


Vítejte v pekle! "Pig's Blood" je albem, které v něm bylo nahráno. Je ošklivé, zlé, nechutné a je z něj cítit záhrobí na sto metrů. Vezměte několik tun nihilismu, rozdrťte ho kladivem a přidejte tmu. Doplňte špinavé melodie, vokál připomínající právě probuzené monstrum a potom získáte nějakou představu o tom, kdo jsou PIG'S BLOOD. Tahle nechutná kreatura nám letos přináší svoje první dlouhohrající album. Je plné starého black death metalu, který musí dělat dobře snad každému fanouškovi Hádovy říše. Nad skladbami se vznáší plesnivá nálada dávných časů. Nahrávka, kterou je vhodné pouštět na okultních seancích. Pokud máte chuť na výlet do podzemí, buďte vítáni. Jen upozorňuji, že není cesty zpět! Reálný black death metal, který je ryzí jako samotné zlo! Hodně krutá deska!

Asphyx says:

Welcome in hell! "Pig's Blood" is an album that was recorded there. It is ugly, evil, disgusting, and the beyond is smelt from hundred meters. Take a few tons of nihilism, smash it with a hammer and then add the darkness. Fill dirty melodies, vocals reminding awakened monster and then you get some idea, who is PIG'S BLOOD. This disgusting creature brings us its first full-length album. It is full of old black death metal that can do well perhaps to every fan of Hades. Above the tracks there is moldy mood of the past floating. Good opportunities for playing of this recording are the occult seances. If you fancy a trip to the underground, welcome. Just caution, there is no way back! Real black death metal, that is  pure as evil! Very cruel album!


01.Misanthrope Absolute
02.Iron Justice

03.Taste the Fucking Poison

04.Torches of War and Retribution
05.Rats (This World is a Sewer)
06.Death March Insanity
07.The Age of Endless War
08.First Step in Making Things Right
09.Deniers of the Root
10.There Will Be No Law

Recenze/review - SVARTSYN - In Death (2017)

12" vinyl 2017, Agonia Records

"Jo temnota, o té bych vám mohl vyprávět nekonečně dlouhou dobu": pronesl do ticha šeré hospody dlouhý bledý muž. Byl starým zřízencem, který vozil nekonečné zástupy mrtvých po opuštěných chodbách nemocnic. Dali jsme se do řeči a on mezi mnohdy těžko uvěřitelnými historkami odbíhal k black metalu. 

Měl rád švédskou kapelu, uskupení kolem rouhavce Orniase, SVARTSYN. Doporučil mi letošní album "In Death", jehož pekelný oheň neustále velebil. Chtěl jsem se také dotknout temnoty a tak jsem se pohodlně usadil, popustil uzdu své fantazii a nechal na sebe desku působit.


Přiznám se, že zpočátku se mnou  "In Death" příliš nedělalo. Takový běžný ortodoxní black metal, říkal jsem si stále dokola. Jenže tma pomalu přicházela, zvuk města utichl a najednou se kolem mě začaly objevovat stíny. Ne, albu jsem nepropadl zcela, ale musím ocenit atmosféru, vyzdvihnout černo černý zvuk. Připadám si, jako bych potkal velmi dobré řemeslníky, kovotepce, kteří už trošinku ztratili nadšení. Odvedou vždy dobrou práci, často dokonce vynikající, akorát duše vám shoří tak napůl. Mám black metal v podobné vyhlazovací podobě moc rád, ale tentokrát bych klidně ještě nějaké to kilo tmy navíc přidal. Budu se rád a často k nahrávce vracet, jen budu opatrný, protože bych si nerad začal kopat svůj vlastní hrob. Nadprůměrná black metalová deska.


SVARTSYN přinášejí na svém novém náladu opuštěných kostelů. Jejich black metal je kombinací tradičních postupů. Výsledkem je pak neskutečně návykové album. Nápady pocházejí ze samotného pekla a svět je při poslechu hodně těžké místo k žití. Přijdu si, jako by mi někdo dupl okovanou botou na hrudník a dusil mě po celou dobu nahrávky. Vše plyne v šíleném tempu, ale o to jedovatěji. Zahalte své tváře do kápí, sepněte ruce k obrácené modlitbě a velebte samotné peklo. Black metal je tady vytažený odněkud z nejvzdálenějších koutů podzemí. Deska, která drásá a bolí. Světlo během téhle nahrávky rozhodně neuvidíte. Black metal s hodně zlou atmosférou. Skvěle!

Asphyx says:

SVARTSYN bring us a mood of abandoned churches on their next album. Their black metal is a combination of traditional actions. The final product is amazingly addicting album. The ideas come from the Hell itself and the world is very difficult place to live in while listening to this album. I feel like someone stepped on my chest with an ironbound shoe and I am choking the whole time while the album is playing. Everything just flows in a mad tempo and all the more is this album poisonous. Cover your faces with capes, clasp your hands to pray and bless the Hell itself. This black metal is taken from the farthest corners of the underworld. This album hurts and scarify. You will definitely see no light during this album. Black metal with a very cruel atmosphere. Great!    

1. Seven Headed Snake
2. Dark Prophet
3. With Death
4. Inside The White Mask
5. Wilderness Of The Soul
6. Black Thrones Of Death
7. Exile In Death


Few questions - interview with death metal band from Australia - CONTAMINATED.

Few questions - interview with death metal band from Australia - CONTAMINATED.

Answered Lachy.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?

- Contaminated was formed in 2013 by me (Lachy) as a solo project. Originally, the intent of the band was to channel early 90s Finnish death metal demos by the likes of Abhorrence, Demigod, Depravity etc. as exemplified by the first demo, Pestilential Decay. By late 2014, we’d expanded to a full lineup and a few months later recorded a second demo tape, Promo 2015, where influence from Dead Congregation, Morpheus Descends and Immortal Fate crept in. Just recently our full length album, Final Man, came out on Blood Harvest Records.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

- We recorded guitars, bass and drums at Goatsound with Jason Fuller and vocals and some guitar overdubs ourselves at the place we rehearse at, Bakehouse Studios. Xavier Irvine handled the mix and Jason finished off the master. I couldn’t recommend those two any more – Goatsound is the best place in Melbourne to record at and Xavier can mix up an absolute storm. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

- 500 LPs (300 black, 100 silver and 100 orange) and 500 CDs. We had the option of doing a cassette version but I just don’t see the point in releasing a full length death metal album on cassette in 2017, they’ve long out-lived their purpose.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

- I’ll let Zev have his input here... 

I wrote most of the lyrics except for Forlorn and Desolate, which Lachie wrote. I usually come up with a title and write around that. The notable exception is "Mired in Shit". I called it "Castle Deadshit", but the powers-that-be (ie Lachie) deemed that name "too stupid" to print on the back of our record, despite the fact that the album art looks like zombie Grimace waving a grabber hand. The songs are mostly about acknowledging that something rotten is going on, while simultaneously acknowledging the reality of being an unimaginative, fatalistic deadbeat who'd prefer to squander their energy on a preposterous fantasy like death metal instead of actually trying to fix or change anything.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

- Stewart Cole designed all graphics, layouts and the logo on the album. As for social network presence, while no means the only method, it is an excellent and very easy way to get the word out about your band. The power of putting a flier into someone’s hand cannot be understated, though, and combining a decent social media presence with traditional fliering really gets the word around about shows and results in decent attendance.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

- Blood Harvest has an excellent roster both past and present (as well as Rodrigo‘s past work on Putrid Filth Conspiracy) and he‘s very professional to work with. So far we are very happy working with him and I can’t see that changing anytime in forseeable future.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

- Most of the inspiration and influence for Contaminated is drawn from old Finnish bands like Abhorrence, Demigod, Depravity etc. and also dark US death metal, so Incantation, Morpheus Descends, as well some more grinding DM like Immortal Fate, Rottrevore...

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

- I only sent a couple of copies of the Promo 2015 tape to Blood Harvest and Dark Descent. Blood Harvest answered saying he’d be stoked to release a full length by us and that was it really. Dark Descent didn’t get back to us. We had offers from other good labels but I felt that Blood Harvest would be the best for us in terms of distribution and quality of the actual CD and LP releases.

 How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

- I’d say we’ve played around 30 or so shows in the 2 and a half years that we’ve been an active live band. We’ve played a whole bunch of different types of shows – DIY punk houses, storm water drains, community-run DIY spaces in addition to the usual pubs. I usually enjoy playing small band rooms with no stage the most as they always sound loud as hell and you’re always right in people’s faces. Our best show so far was our album launch show on April 28th – killer lineup (us, Incinerated, Faceless Burial, Kutabare and Christcrusher) and we really smashed it that night. The mix was also spot on, massively heavy but clear.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

- We’d love to tour the US and Europe sometime – provided we can make it happen and work around money, work, family etc... as for new releases, nothing is set in stone yet but we’ve got 3 new tracks that would probably suit a split or EP.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

- The best way to contact us is either by email or the Facebook page... here are some links:

Thanx for the interview.

- Cheers for getting onto us!

pondělí 17. července 2017

Recenze/review - BURNING HATRED - Carnage (2017)

tape 2017, Morbid Skull Records (El Salvador)

Z útrob matičky Země, odněkud z míst, kde se potkává magma s temnotou, vzešli i holandští BURNING HATRED. Synové podzemí, kteří velebí plesnivost starého death metalu takovým způsobem, že jsem se rozhodl o nic napsat pár řádek.

"Carnage" je albem z roku 2016, letos vydaným na mě blízkém nosiči - kazetě. A cože se to vlastně na desce odehrává? Troufám si tvrdit, že pravé nefalšované starodávné smrtící inferno ve stylu švédské a nizozemské školy devadesátých let. Beru do dlaní žhavou lávu, prolévám ji mezi prsty a hořím za zvuku tónů ryzího death metalu.

BURNING HATRED na to jdou stejným způsobem, jako třeba DISMEMBER, VOMITORY, POSSESSED, PESTILENCE, IMMOLATION, OBITUARY, MASSACRE. A nutno rovnou dodat, že předkládaný materiál na sto procent splňuje mé nejvyšší požadavky na staré provedení smrti. Líbí se mi zvuk, obdivuji chorobnost, která je ze skladeb cítit a s chutí se přehrabuji ve vší té nehostinné atmosféře. Spálili jste se někdy o oheň? Tak si představte, že shoříte celí. Podobný pocit mám i z alba "Carnage". Brány pekelné byly otevřeny, abychom alespoň na chvilku nahlédli dovnitř a zkusili si, co nás jednou čeká. Vidíte ty ohořelé skeletony? Jak tančí do rytmu pravého death metalu? Odtud BURNING HATRED pocházejí a já jim to věřím na sto procent. Vynikající starodávný smrtící kov!


"Carnage" je albem, které je takovým velmi příjemným výletem do starých časů. BURNING HATRED nám přinášejí další porci klasického death metalu, který bude pro spoustu mladých posluchačů působit jako zastaralá relikvie. Je to dobře, pánové hrají pro nás, staré old school death metalové fanoušky, kteří ještě nezapomněli na to, jak má znít poctivý, plesnivý death metal. Ne, žádnou progresi, změny stylu a podoby zde rozhodně nečekejte. Naleznete zde spíše odkaz starých časů, dávných postupů a vzpomínek. Albu by jistě slušela větší průraznost a energie, ale jako celek na mě působí nahrávka velmi solidně. Přiznám se, že si poslech rád a často užívám. Je to pro mě návrat do doby, kdy byl svět ještě v pořádku. "Carnage" je jako starý, znovu otevřený hrob, jako předčítání z dávných death metalových učebnic. Berte a nebo nechte být! Pro mě osobně, se jedná o skvělý zážitek. Plesnivý death metal, která nadzvedává víka od rakví! Jsem spokojený.

Asphyx says:

"Carnage" is an album that is like a very pleasant trip to the old times. BURNING HATRED  bring us the next amount of classic death metal, which will be for many young listeners like an outdated relic. It's good, guys play for us old school death metal fans who haven't forgotten yet how the honest, moldy death metal should sound. No, no progression, don't expect turns in style and form. You will find here a link of old times, old methods and memories. The album can certainly stand more punch and power, but as a whole it is very solid record. I admit I enjoy listening very often. It's for me comeback to that times when the world was still in order. "Carnage" is like an old again open grave, like reading from the old death metal textbooks. Take it or let it be! For me personally it is  great experience. Moldy death metal that opens the lids from the coffins! I'm satisfied.

Track - List:
1. The Rawagede Massacre
2. Reign Of Horror
3. Carnage Of War
4. Desecration
5. Religious Insanity
6. Dying Day
7. Bedevilment
8. Doomed City
9. Perceived Infestation
10. March Towards Death

Guitars: Marc Ouwendijk
Vocals: René Brugmans
Bass: Bas Wijnbergen
Drums: Gerben Mol
Guitars: Martin Brakert

Few questions – interview with old school death metal band from Netherlands - BURNING HATRED.

Few questions – interview with old school death metal band from Netherlands - BURNING HATRED.
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc.?
Burning Hatred was founded in 2002 to play old school death metal exclusively.
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
The “Carnage” album was recorded, mixed and mastered at the Dirty Bird Productions studio in The Netherlands by Fredde Kaddeth. We always go there when we going to record new stuff, our EP and the second demo as well were recorded there. Fredde is a relaxed guy and knows what to do and what we need when it comes to recording or the overall sound.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
The album was released in 2017 on tape by Morbid Skull Records in 150 copies and on CD in 2016 by Vic Records in 500 copies. The digital release was done by ourselves.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with ? 
All of the lyrics are written by me (Martin). Most of the lyrics deal with atrocities or mass murders in times of war or throughout history. The past has a lot of darkness that interests me and to write about. Like the Japanese atrocities in WW2 in the song “Reign Of Horror” or the witch hunts in the 17th century in nowadays Germany for instance in the song “Bedevilment”.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 
The logo was created by Bram Roza, a guy from the Netherlands we got to know through the a forum. He also created the artwork for our EP “Unleashed”
The artwork for “Carnage” was created by Wolven Claws and The Crystallomantic Art. He did an explendid job on the artwork. We talked to him what we had in mind for the cover and after some sketches he started on the actual piece. He showed us a couple of pictures from throughout the process, but the final art is mind blowing. 
The art and the music must be one, both must do justice to the other.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?
The CD was released by Vic Records. We have good contact with that label and when the album was finished we let them listen to it and they wanted to release it. Vic Records did a good job, we are pleased with them.
The Tape is released by Morbid Skull Records. We know them through my other band and have very good contact with them. After discussing some things, the tape release for the “Carnage” album came up and they decided to release that one. We are very pleased they did a tape release, very good promotion and we are well taking care of. Always a pleasure to find a label, that isn’t only thinking business but is also a fan.
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?
I’m a big fan of DISMEMBER and the old swedish death metal scene. Much of the inspiration comes from there, but that’s for me personally. Our drummer for example is a big fan of the GOREFEST False album and draws a lot of inspiration from that one for his drumming.
Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?
We only sent it to Vic Records, which released it on CD. The best response you can get.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 
Don’t know the exact number of gigs we played, but must be more than 50 shows throughout the years.
At a club gig there’s more time to set up your gear and to do a sound check. And the people that are come to the club, are there for the bands that play. These shows are much more intense with the crowd going crazy. But on the other side, on a festival you can reach people that don’t know you and like you and become a fan. And on festivals there are more people to party and drink beer with. Club or festival have their own charm. We like them both. 
The best shows would be the Stonehenge Festival 2014, 2 shows we did in 2008 with Dismember, Nice To Eat You Deathfest in 2015 and Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016. Maybe not the best musically, but these are the ones with the best memories.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
Currently we are writing new stuff for a full-length and maybe a split. We don’t have big plans for the future, we will see what crosses our path. We just like to play death metal, drink beer and have a good laugh.
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
You can find us on facebook, bandcamp and youtube.
Thanx for the interview.
Cheers and thanks for the interest in BURNING HATRED

neděle 16. července 2017

Recenze/review - HAEMOPHAGUS - Stream Of Shadows (2017)

HAEMOPHAGUS - Stream Of Shadows
CD, 12" vinyl, Selfmadegod Records/Lycanthropic Chants

Utíkám před lavinou z kovového kamení. Byla odjištěna s jednoznačným účelem. Zničit vaše zkažené duše, vyčistit mozky od zbytečností. A já teď běžím, klopýtám a mám v očích děs. Nakonec mě všechna ta drtivá síla pohltí, rozmělní, promění na prach. Rozprašte mě prosím, jednou ve studeném větru ledových melodií.

Italská kapela HAEMOPHAGUS je letos opět zde, aby vám zničila i poslední zbytky vašeho zdravého rozumu. Svět bývá poslední dobou často naruby a podobné desky, jako je "Stream Of Shadows", mi dělají čím dál tím lépe. Beru do ruky bourací kladivo a vyrážím do starého domu plného vzpomínek na poctivou muziku. Ano, takhle má vypadat správný death/grind, říkám si stále dokola, pokaždé, když udeřím do tichých opuštěných zdí.

"Stream Of Shadows" je pokračováním alb předešlých, ovlivněn samozřejmě tvorbou REPULSION, CARCASS, AUTOPSY, PUNGENT STENCH, IMPETIGO, AUTOPSY. HAEMOPHAGUS jsou staří bardi, kteří si nenechají do ničeho mluvit a jedou si na své, kdysi nastavené vlně. Pořád drtivě přeskládávají jednu hromadu shnilých kostí na druhou, stále hrají tak, že odpadává maso od kostí. Osobně si všechnu tu špinavost, neurvalost, rebelii a drcení ušních bubínků neskutečně užívám. Nahrávka má v sobě obrovskou sílu a opravdu připomíná valící se lavinu, případně údery bouracího kladiva. Mám pocit, že mi někdo právě stojí okovanou botou přímo na prsou a neustále zvyšuje tlak. Death grind, po kterém nezůstane nic živého v okolí několika kilometrů. Vynikající!


Album "Stream Of Shadows" je nahrávkou, která mě přenesla do nějakého hodně morbidního hororového filmu. Všechny postavy spolu s muzikou doslova ožívají před očima. Hudba je to krutá, nekompromisní, šílená a plná energie.  HAEMOPHAGUS dostáli svému dobrému jménu a předhodili nám pořádně mrtvolný kousek masa. Songy jsou plné špíny, lidského hnusu. Jsem jimi pohlcený od začátku do konce. Bestie opět promluvila. Mocně a hlasitě. Mokvají mi znovu staré rány, jsem ztracený ve víru ostrých riffů. Tahle deska připomíná setkání s vlnou tsunami. Smete vás, rozdrtí, rozmačká, rozseká a vy budete mít co dělat, abyste se dali vůbec dohromady. HAEMOPHAGUS hrají tak, jak to umí nejlépe. Postaru, s velkým feelingem a drivem. Ocení asi spíše starší posluchači, ale to vůbec nevadí, tohle album má v sobě velkou sílu. Grind/death metalová nahrávka, která vám utrhne hlavu! Skvělá práce!

Asphyx says:

The album "Stream Of Shadows" brought me to some kind of very morbid horror movie. Every character and the music just becomes alive in front of your eyes. The music is cruel, uncompromising, crazy and full of energy. HAEMOPHAGUS comply with their good name and they throw out dead piece of a meat. These songs are full of dirt and human filth. I am full of them from the beginning to the end. The beast had spoken again. Mightily and loudly. My old wounds are weeping and I am lost in the whirl of lost riffs. This album feels like a tsunami wave. It will sweep you away, smash you, crush you and you will get through a lot of pain to get back together. HAEMOPHAGUS play the best they know. It is old school with a great feeling and drive. This album will be probably more appreciated by old fans. However, it doesn´t matter and for me this album has a great power. Grind/death metal record which will cut your head off! Great job!

01. Shadowline
02. Tombtown
03. Blastmaniacom!
04. Deranger
05. Meteor Mind
06. Electric Circles in a Yellow Sky
07. Captured from Above
08. Innergetic
09. The Cosmicorpse
10. Infectious Domain
11. Monochrome
12. Unrestrained
13. Twisted Syllables
14. The Darkest Trip

Giorgio [lead guitar, bass & vocals] - Gioele [lead guitar] -
David [drums] - Marco [bass - live]